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Austronesian linguistic innovations (First February 2022, last edited December 2022)


*pitu ‘seven’ < *(RaCe)p-i-tu(Sa) (here)

[non-displacing] *sa-ŋ-aCu ‘nine’ (here)


*lima ‘five’ < *lima, *qa-lima ‘hand’ (here)

Ca- reduplication in numerals for human reference (here)


parallel multiplicative forms for ‘six’ and ‘eight’ (here)

future prefix ma (here)


enem ‘six’ (here)

*CawiN ‘year’ (here)


*walu ‘eight’ (here)

*Siwa ‘nine’ (here)

Western Walu-Siwaish:

*dapuR ‘fire’ < ‘cooking fire’ (here)

‘salt’ and ‘sour’, two lexical innovations proposed by Tsuchida’s (here)

Central Walu-Siwaish:

Generalization of *ma-numeral-(ə)N forms  in ’10’ and its multiples up to ’90’ (here)

*Ca-CiNi ‘one’ (human reference) (here)

*ma-sa-N ‘ten’ (here)


u-prefixation in numerals (non-human reference) (here)

cáni ‘one’ (here)

Ten lexical innovations of Tsuchida’s (here)


At least 57 lexical innovations of Tsuchida’s (here)

*Ramucu ‘hand’ < ‘finger’ (here)

Metathesis of *pataS ‘tattoo, write’ to *tapaSə (here)

Eastern Walu-Siwaish:

Merger of *S1 and *S2 (here)

*baCaq-an ‘ten’ (here)

[non-displacing] *nanum ‘water’(here)

[non-displacing] *layaR ‘sail’ (here)


*paka-, *maka- abilitative (here)

*sa-puluq ‘one put aside’ > ‘ten’ (here)

[analogical] *Siwa > *siwa ‘nine’ (here)

Northern Puluqish:

Initial of ‘2’ aligned on initial of ‘3’ in the counting series for people and objects (here)

*sasay ‘one’ (non-human reference) (here)

*sa-puluq > puluq ‘ten’ (serial counting) (here)

*mukeCep ‘ten’ (human and non-human reference) (here)

*ukak ‘bone’ (here)

*kuCem ‘cloud’ (here)

*Nemak ‘activity, skill’ (here)

*kabuŋ ‘hat’ (here)

Southern Puluqish (Paiwan+Southern Austronesian. Tentative) (here)

Final denasalization of *nj (here)

Elimination of *baCaqan ’10’ and generalization of  *puluq (here)

*b[i]lih ‘to buy, sell’  (here)

Southern Austronesian (PMP + Kra-Dai):

PAN *-mu 2pl > 2sg (here)

Puluqish linker *atu ‘and’ reduced to *at after *sa-puluq in numbers 10-19 (here)

*baqbaq ‘mouth’ (here)

*biRáq ‘kind of taro’ (here)

*-ŋel ‘deaf’ (here)

*píntu ‘door’ (here)

*qizúR ‘sputum, saliva’ (here)

*qa-sáuŋ ‘canine tooth’ (here)

*sapeléd, *ma-sapeléd ‘astringent’ (here)

*buŋáH1 ‘flower’ (here)

*bujak ‘flower’ (here)

*baNaS ‘husband’ (here)